How Do I Pick My AZGiveCamp Project?

At AZGiveCamp, our teams self-organize around the Non-Profit Organizations, and their projects. This means that, when you arrive at the start of the event, you will be able to talk to the different non-profits and select the one you wish to work with. There are at least 2 criteria that you’ll want to consider in selecting a project:

  1. Does the mission of this organization spark my passion?
  2. Are the requirements of the project in line with my goals for the weekend?

Since #1 above is self-explanatory, let’s take a deeper look at #2.

Fact : The team working on a project will decide what tools and technologies work best for the organization and the development team.

  • If you are an expert at a particular tool or technology, you might feel you can provide the maximum value by working on a project that is centered around your area of expertise.
  • If you have the desire to learn, or hone your skills on a particular tool or technology, you might feel that it is best for you to work on a project that is centered around the skills you want to improve.
  • If you are a self-starter and want to do the most good for the community by fitting-in wherever you are needed, or by working for a particular organization, you might find it best to pick the organization, and then work in whatever technology fits best for that organization and the other members of the development team, whether those fit with your current skillsets or not.

Whatever your goals for the event, you’ll want to make sure you discuss your ideas for tooling and technologies with the organization and other members of the development team.

Some other things to consider when selecting a project:

  • If you have friends at the event you want to work with, you are more than welcome to select the same team. You are also welcome to spread out and get to know others from our great development community here in the valley.
  • We’d like to keep people fairly well distributed around the different teams. If we find that the teams are out-of-balance, we may ask some people to move around to make sure we can support the volunteers from all of the great organizations who are also giving up their weekend for this event.
  • Since teams will fill up, get to the event as early as you can for the widest selection.

AZGiveCamp VI Agenda

Friday, 3/27

3:00 – 4:00 PM

Non-Profit Organization Check-in

4:00 – 7:00 PM

Volunteer Check-in

7:00 PM



Saturday, 3/28

8:00 AM


12:00 PM


6:30 PM



Sunday, 3/29

8:00 AM


11:00 AM

Start to panic

12:00 PM


2:00 PM

CODE FREEZE (check-in solutions & brag)

2:00 PM – 2:30 PM

Final handoff to NPOs

2:30 PM – 3:30 PM

Closing – All teams demo solutions

3:30 PM – 4:00 PM

Cleanup and goodbye until next year

What to Bring to AZGiveCamp VI

At AZGiveCamp, we try to make sure you have everything you need so you can focus on creating value for the non-profit organizations we are serving. That said, there are a few things you should bring with you to help make the weekend a big success.

The most important thing is your toolset. Please bring your laptop with all tools and resources you will need to get the job done. If you think you might need a particular tool for use at AZGiveCamp, it is probably best to install and test it before arriving at the facility.

You can either go home when you need to, or sleep in our “quiet room”, but it’s a good idea to bring your own bedroll and enough clothes for the weekend, even if you don’t plan on staying overnight, since no plan survives first-contact. No showers will be available at this year’s event so please plan accordingly.

We’ll provide:

  • Work table & chairs for the development team
  • Power
  • Network, including Internet (wired & wireless)
  • Access to a shared printer (only 1 so be frugal)
  • Many varieties of office supplies
  • Meals, snacks & drinks
  • A “quiet-room” for sleeping

We recommend you bring:

  • Computer with all design and development tools needed
  • Power & Network cables
  • Additional Monitor (if desired)
  • Bedroll – Even if you don’t plan on spending the night, just in case
  • 2 Changes of clothes and toiletries – you know, just in case
  • Your great big brain

If you have any questions about what to bring, or have any special needs you’d like us to take into account, you can ping us on any of our social media outlets including Twitter, Facebook, or Meetup.

AZGiveCamp V Agenda

Friday, 3/21

4:00 – 5:00 PM

Non-Profit Organization Check-in

5:00 – 7:00 PM

Volunteer Check-in

7:00 PM


Saturday, 3/22

8:00 AM


12:00 PM


6:30 PM


Sunday, 3/23

8:00 AM


11:00 AM

Start to panic

12:00 PM


2:00 PM

CODE FREEZE (check-in solutions & brag)

2:00 PM – 2:30 PM

Final handoff to NPOs

2:30 PM – 3:30 PM

Closing – All teams demo solutions

3:30 PM – 4:00 PM

Cleanup and goodbye until next year


We’ve had great food sponsors keeping up our energy this weekend. Tek SystemsMicrosoft, Bosa Donuts, Sprouts, and Trader Joes have provided food and snacks. For lunch today we are privileged to have a meal made by Eddie Matny.

No wonder a lot of our ‘overheard at AzGiveCamp’ out of context comments are centered around food.

Is there any Leftover Bacon?    Yes?     How is there such a thing as leftover bacon?

Don’t be afraid to grab bacon.

We killed the pig special.

I don’t really get up for bacon- it comes to me.

Isn’t that what a sous chef is for?

Thank you sponsors. Om Nom.


It’s gotten to be 1:15 am and we few, we happy few, are sitting more reclined in chairs. While we continue to make progress conversations and jokes swirl the room. It’s time to start a list of the phrases overheard, and out of context, at AzGiveCamp IV…

Steve: It’s not as big a can of worms as the shopping cart

Berry: I didn’t fall in

Wes: I turned off the cheese

“I turned off the cheese” then morphed into a possible card game…look for it in future memes.

Laughing and a good times have been enjoyed all while making a difference in the world. What did you do with your weekend?


a new beginning

Az Give Camp IV begins with excitement as coders meet their fellows and the representatives from the non-profit organizations they are here to help. TEK systems recruiters greet everyone with a feast and a hearty thank you for the good work that will going on this weekend.